Professional Background
Certified Kinesionics® Practitioner - The Kinesionics Institute, by Karta Purkh Singh Khalsa, Seattle, WA 1998-2000
Certified Wellness Kinesiologist - Topping International Institute, Wayne Topping PHD, Bellingham, WA 2000-2003
Certified Professional Herbalist, by Karta Purkh Singh Khalsa, AHG: Certified in World Herbal Medicine, Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Western Herbal Medicine, Seattle, WA  1996-1999
Traditional Chinese Medicine Apprenticeship, Tantric Buddhism of the World School, Niyama Oser Dorje, Traditional Chinese Herbalist and Buddhist Teacher. Seattle, Wa 2000-2002 
Moxibustion TCM Certification - Tantric Buddhism of the World School by Niyama Oser Dorje 2002.
Feng Shui Practioner - Tibetan Tantric Buddhism of the World School, by Niyama Oser Dorje, Seattle, WA.
Reiki Master Certification, Seattle, WA  2003
Pranic Healer Certification - Pranic Healing Institute - Institute for Inner Studies, 2002-2003 
Bowen Technique Certification - Albuquerque, NM 2007, Greg Anderson, LMT
Registered Counselor, State of Washington #RC00038769   1999-2009
Ordained Universal Life Minister - Universal Life Church, 1999-present

All things are possible. What we can conceive and believe, we can achieve. What do you want to achieve?  My goal is to give you the means to achieve your goals and dreams with the most positive and practical way possible. We will discover the optimal and most harmonious solution to remove any obstacles or blockages that are appearing in your life, health, work or environment. I work from the heart with care and compassion. I believe in building trust and creating a partnership with you so that we work as a team. Regardless of the issue, we look to the source for the answer; the healing comes from within; yes, even for the house, office or business. That is the way of the compassionate heart and divine flow.

My journey into natural and energetic healing began in 1984, when I was diagnosed with multiple allergies and sensitivities to foods, mold, dust, pollens and cat dander. I learned how to eat and cook without wheat, dairy and other 'offending'  foods. Restaurants were rarely able to provide food for my requirements. I progressively became worse and it affected everything in my life.  In 1995 and 1997 I was injured in motor vehicle accidents.  These events further launched me in the path of learning to heal myself.  My chiropractors taught me how important the correct positioning of the spine is on the whole health of the body and how the emotions from trauma are stored in the body and get in the way of healing.

In 1996 I focused on learning the herbal medicinal systems of the world. This helped me strengthen my own body as well as to help others. I became increasingly aware of how the emotions affect people's ability to heal. This led me to find new avenues to help people overcome the emotional blockages to healing. This path has been the most rewarding journey of my life.  By direct experience of "having gone through it myself", I offer you compassion, and understanding with your concerns. 

The work we do together will be fun and a journey into the world of discovery.
I look forward to working with you. 

Now take a journey through the Luminary Health site, and see how easy it is to find your star within your heart and home.  Welcome Home!

Be Blessed with Light, Peace and Prosperity,
A Prayer for Healers

Where there is sickness, 
let me bring cure;
where there is injury,
where there is sadness;
where there is despair,
where there is death,
acceptance and peace.

Grant that I may not:
so much seek to be justified,
as to console;
to be obeyed,
as to understand;
to be honored,
as to love....
for it is in giving ourselves
that we heal,
it is in listening
that we comfort......
-modified from the Prayer of Saint Francis
 Wendy Bodin BS CKP CPH RMT

Wendy Bodin, BS CKP CPH RMT Albuquerque Empowerment Life and Health Coach offering holistic options for health, wellness and personal empowerment. Wendy is a Holistic Empowerment Life Coach, Certified Kinesiologist with extensive training in nutritional, emotional, mental and spiritual healing. She is a Certified Professional Herbalist with 6 years herbal medicine training and over twenty two years experience. She is also a Feng Shui Consultant, Spiritual Healer and Certified Reiki Master teacher. She offers personalized coaching consultations for individuals and families.   

Wendy utilizes personalized Kinesiology testing, herbal medicine, orthomolecular medicine, intuitive energy healing, Reiki, NLP, EFT, TFT, flower essence therapy, essential oils, guided spiritual healing with love and compassion.  Each person's divinity is recognized and honored.

Wendy is a Certified Herbalist trained in all herbal systems of the world, with primary herbal training in Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine.  Ayurveda is the traditional medicinal system of India.  In Sanskrit, Ayurveda means, "the Wisdom of God" or "the Wisdom of Life".  It encompasses healing the spirit, body and mind.

All healing is based on energy from within and from beyond. Herbal medicine is energetic in nature as the energy is provided by the plants, the sun, the water the earth and the air. She also utilizes flower essences which facilitate healing on mental and emotional levels. Flower Essence Therapy is an enegetic method of clearing and revitalizing our etheric bodies and emotional balance.  

Having an extensive background and innate understanding of plant spirit medicine, Wendy is gifted with a unique and powerful ability to channel and direct healing energy exactly where it is needed. Wendy is continuously studying & expanding her skills in Buddhist practice, kinesiology, feng shui, energetic & spiritual healing, Native American mystical healing and plant-spirit medicine.

Wendy also offers Reiki and Divine Powershift treatments and teaches Lotus Path Reiki classes. She also offers customized house or business blessings and Feng shui advice to welcome in the energies of harmony and prosperity within your environments.

Distance consultations are available by appointment. Blessings, spiritual healing, feng shui and energetic healing sessions can be arranged by appointment any where in the world. 

Please Call Wendy at  505-962-2326 cell  or email for more information.
Om Mani Padme Hum:  
The heart mantra of Quan Yin, the Bodhisattva of divine love and compassion. Chanting this mantra purifies, heals and promotes generosity, ethics, patience, enthusiasm, meditation and wisdom. By chanting this mantra, positive qualities are developed and happiness and health will naturally increase in one's life.
Find Your Star

I see things just as they are
   Why, it's Me, 
that Star in the Heavens

Zen Buddist folk saying

Distance Consultations are available. Please contact Wendy for appointment information:  505.962.2326    Email

Luminary HealthAbout WendyKinesiologyHolistic Life CoachingWeight Loss
Reiki TreatmentsReiki Training New MexicoDistance ConsultationsHouse BlessingsFeng Shui

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