Luminary Health Holistic Life Coaching
Spiritual and Emotional Revitalization
 Mental Creation and Realization
Reach Your Potential Now - Align with your Highest Good

Luminary Health Therapeutics and Wendy Bodin, BS CPH CKP, honors your divinity with holistic therapies, spiritual and motivational empowerment consultations in Albuquerque.  I am here to help you resolve issues that may be holding you back from living the life you wish to live.  We can find new avenues for positive creation and new  pathways for health and well-being that fit your needs. Telephone consultations are also available with Wendy as a quick way to find new ways of looking at the situation.

If conventional therapies or counseling have not worked for you, and you would like to explore other possible reasons for your symptoms with approaches that honor your spirit and inner wisdom, then please read on and contact Wendy today for an appointment  .... 505.962.2326. Phone consultations are available or in-person in Albuquerque.

Dear Wendy, 
After two days of taking the flower essences, everything suddenly fell into place with my housemate. I just felt quite normal and relaxed talking with her. It was a feeling of groundedness. I was thus able to leave behind all the head-stuff and worry-stuff. After the work we did with affirmations, something made me want to zero in on setting goals. Last night I wrote down two goals, one personal and one professional. As soon as I put it into writing, I felt energized. Now I had a definite goal to work towards!  Thank you!  I know this will be very powerful for me.    
Sandra H. Seattle, WA
Weight Loss Empowerment
I thought it was a truly great session today.  We had such an instant rapport. It was also a good thing for me to witness my own inner strength and positive nature. Just knowing that "I am strong" has kept the wolves at bay all day.  And I haven't even tried the flower essences or affirmations yet!!!  I hope I can remember how to do clearing. Oh, that's right, you wrote it all down. Thank you!  
   Sandra H, Seattle, WA
Contact Wendy for Appointment Info
(505) 962.2326
More Testimonials
Luminary HealthAbout WendyKinesiologyHolistic Life CoachingWeight Loss
Reiki TreatmentsReiki Training New MexicoDistance ConsultationsHouse BlessingsFeng Shui

I am grateful for your gifts along my path of healing.  Your presence in my journey has lifted me to a higher sense of life.  Sam M.  Seattle, WA

Luminary HealthAbout WendyKinesiologyHolistic Life CoachingWeight Loss
Reiki TreatmentsReiki Training New MexicoDistance ConsultationsHouse BlessingsFeng Shui

The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are. — Chauncey Depew 
Wendy, Thank you for comforting me...I was in a great deal of emotional pain and you stayed on the phone with me and called to check on me...I felt less alone...I am very tired this week...maybe finally just seeing/feeling the stress of the that the tension of it is released.  Blessings to you,  Victoria, Everett, WA
" Time is too slow for those who wait,
Too swift for those who fear,
Too long for those who grieve,
Too short for those who rejoice,
but for those who love,
Time is eternity"  
 -- Henry Van Dyke

Please call Wendy at 505.962.2326 or write for more information.   
What does Wholistic (whole) or Holistic (holy) therapy really mean? We’ve heard the terms Body Mind Spirit over and over again, but how do these terms really relate to what has been called our “emotional” health? And how about our physical health?

Did you know that approximately fifty percent of the causal factors for physical illness are due to thoughts and feelings?  Most people recognize the risk factors to physical health from things such as poor diet, toxicity, lack of exercise, smoking and environmental hazards but forget about the effects of our attitudes on our physical health. 

If our thoughts affect our physical health, then it can be said that our physical ills also affect our mental, emotional and spiritual health 50% of the time. The body, mind and spirit are not separate, so what affects one will also affect the other.   

Some common examples are:
If you are not getting the help you need from conventional therapies and would like to look at  resolving issues in a new way, I can help.  Some things will resolve very quickly, some will take more time. You will notice the difference!  Please contact Wendy if you are having difficulties with stress, Anxiety, Trauma or other symptoms. We will take a look at what the causal factors are and then determine the right path to wellness for all of you, body mind and spirit.  

Give your loved ones a choice for another way of looking at health and well being.  And remember, caregivers need care too.  I can help make your job go much smoother and you will stay healthier too!
Wendy offers Holistic Counseling, Coaching and Wellness Consultations for many issues including (but not exclusive to):

Wendy Bodin, BS CPH CKP RMT
"Wendy, Thanks so much for this afternoon!  I enjoyed it so've really given me a lot of insight! I'm going to meditate about things..the future..and where I'm headed career wise as well as spiritually. I do feel an amazing peacefulness this afternoon!"  Cindy, Albuquerque, NM

Copyright 2002-2024 Wendy Bodin
Copyright 2002-2024 Wendy Bodin