Wendy Bodin offers participatory personalized therapies utilizing Kinesiology, left brain - right brain linking (repatterning), aspects of NLP, Energy Medicine, Bowen Technique, herbal medicine, flower essences, spiritual healing and guided intuition. Therapies may include any of the following listed on this page.
My focus is always what is best for you first. Many people like to start with a treatment that I call the "Divine Power Shift Treatment" to gently release stresses and emotional issues that seem to be interfering with moving forward. It is very empowering and spiritually uplifting. Sometimes it is helpful to start with a treatment before moving into the deeper work in an Empowerment consultation. Follow this link for Divine Energy Shift Treatment information.
Nutritional & Herbal Consultations with Kinesiology to assist the body to heal through your own body-wisdom. Some things that can be addressed are:
- Allergies, arthritis, asthma, candida (yeast overgrowth), menopausal inbalances, parasitic infections, chronic fatique, fibromyalgia, adrenal & thyroid imbalances, low energy and much more.
- If you don't feel good and haven't received help from conventional therapies, then please give Wendy a call to see how I can help you: 505-503-7276 land 505-962-2326 cell
Parent Teen Coaching
Participatory coaching for both parents and teens. Find new and effective ways to bridge the gaps in understanding and communication. Create positive avenues for growth and mutual respect.
Motivational & Personal Empowerment Coaching (goals & positive change)
Athletic Empowerment (create the mental edge)
Schlastic achievement
Family & Relationships
Habit Change
Career & Business goals
Facilitated Motivational Training for Sales Teams & Work groups
Weight Loss Empowerment Consultations, with personalized therapies just for you...the missing link to success! With this effective method for Weight Loss, we look at what issues are causing the weight to stay on and release those issues so the weight will come off. I will utilize a combination of therapies that are customized just for you. The process is fun and is surprisingly effective! Weight Loss Consultations are scheduled in one hour sessions. Sessions may be purchased at a package price, or by the hour.
Flower Essence Therapy (for people and pets) Customized selections tested just for you with Kinesiology to release, transform, heal and empower. Flower essences are effective for gently, safely and easily releasing emotional traumas and empowering life tranformations. They also assist the body's physical healing abilities. More Info on Flower Essence Therapy
Energy Therapy
- Pranic Energy Healing, Very effective for relieving trauma from injuries. Please call for immediate relief before the trauma settles in. Feel great immediately! restore the flow of Qi, promote inner healing.
- Divine Energy Shift Treatments Feel great immediately! restore the flow of Qi, promote inner healing. promote deeper inner healing accessing the Neural Vibrational points and releasing the stress and emotional blockages gently and effectively. For injuries please call for immediate relief before the trauma settles in.
- Reiki Energy Healing Relaxing, gentle, loving energy therapy to promote inner healing. Releases emotional traumas and gently restores balance and feeling free again. Good for depression and emotional stresses.
- House and Business Blessings with Feng Shui Advice Wendy offers Vajrayana Buddhist House Blessings with simple Feng Shui advice to heal and transform your home or business into harmony, prosperity and peace.

Contact Wendy for more information and to set up your appointment.
(505) 503-7276 in Albuquerque, NM
Distance Consultations can be scheduled as telephone consultations or to send healing to someone far away.