Energy Therapy is becoming one of the most popular healing modalities in the world today due to its simplicity, safety and effectiveness. Energy Healing Therapy utilizes the universal energies from the earth and sky as well as spiritually attuned connections to Divine Source. Energy Therapy also includes the vibrational energies from the elements of plants, minerals, wind, water and fire. It can be sent to heal someone or conditions anywhere in the world.

Energy therapy produces amazing results very quickly and easily without drugs or any manipulation of the body. It releases pain and trauma quickly while mobilizing the body's own healing system immediately.  Properly applied Energy therapy can transform individual lives. 

Distance consultations can be referred to as Divine Correction as it creates transformation and positive shifts to our world, to our loved ones and any situation in need of prayer.  It gently allows change to transform on it's own in harmony with Divine love and Divine law.  Healing energy can be sent to anyone over long distances, even across the globe. Energy healing can be used to heal and harmonize group environments, and can be sent to heal global issues and our earth itself.  

The history of energy healing goes back many thousands of years and has been practiced by cultures all over the world. The West has primarily been aquainted with forms of energy healing through the Eastern traditions of Tai Chi, Qi Gong, the martial arts and so on. Hindu and Buddhist texts refer to energy healing as part of their traditions. In the northern Buddhist traditions, energy healing is accepted as part of spiritual healing. The Medicine Buddha holds a bowl of healing nectar in one hand, a medicinal plant in the other hand and sends forth a healing beam of blue light to the person in need of healing.  

What many in the West have not realized, is that Jesus used energy healing in his mission here on Earth as well.  

Energy Healing is very effective, safe and versatile. It can used at any time to instantly relieve pain and to trigger the body's own healing processes into action.  

Contact Wendy in Albuquerque, NM  to discuss your needs. 
To set an appointment for office visit or by distance healing,

    Contact Wendy at:     505-962-2326
                                     [email protected]

What is Pranic Healing:  by Wendy Bodin
Pranic Healing is a very effective method of Energy Healing. The history of energy energy healing comes from ancient Asian mystical healing arts that were used  by spiritual masters or gurus. This method of "Pranic Healing" is based on those techniques and from of variations of Qi Gong energy healing techniques put together by Grand Master Choa Kuk Sui. The following is quoted from Grand Master Choa Kuk Sui:

"Pranic Healing is a simple yet powerful and effective no-touch energy healing. It is based on the fundamental principle that the body is a "self-repairing" living entity that possesses the innate ability to heal itself. Pranic Healing works on the principle that the healing process is accelerated by increasing the life force or vital energy on the affected part of the physical body.

Pranic Healing influences this natural life force to bring about a healthier physical body. Pranic Healing is applied on the bio-electromagnetic field known as the aura, which contains the mold and blueprint of the physical body. This bioplasmic body absorbs life energy and distributes it to the organs and glands. Diseases first appear as energetic disruptions in the energy field before manifesting as ailments in the physical body.

Scientific evidence provides tangible proof of the existence of the energy body and its relation to the health and well-being of the physical body. This has been termed as the "bioplasmic body" from the word "bio" meaning life, and "plasma", the forth state of matter after solids, liquids and gases. Scientific experiments conducted by the eminent Russian scientist, Semyon Kirlian, using ultrasensitive photographic process showed a colorful, radiant energy field surrounding the physical bodies of humans, animals and plants. This energy field, or aura, interpenetrates the visible physical body, extending about 4 to 5 inches from the skin's surface. Experiments in Kirlian photography have also revealed that diseased energies appear first in the energy body before manifesting as a physical ailment. 

Pranic Healing has been used successfully with ailments ranging from asthma, arthritis, cancer to addictions, depression and phobias. It is an effective no-touch, painless, healing art that acts as a powerful catalyst to spark the body's inborn ability to repair itself."

Wendy utilizes Pranic healing, Reiki and Spiritual healing in her energy healing practice. Wendy founded and Teaches Lotus Path Reiki workshops

Contact Wendy for info and appointments  
     505-962-2326       [email protected]
Wendy Bodin offers Energy Therapy sessions that focus on what is needed most, now.  Focused energy healing is very effective to promote faster healing of trauma and acute injuries as well as stress release.  Wendy will find and release the blockages to healing and give you insight to help you really heal.  Focused Energy Therapy gently facilitates emotional as well as physical healing and promotes relaxation or gives more energy.  
Sessions are available in Albuquerque or anywhere in the world by distance healing.  Information on distance healing is listed below

Contact me:         505-962-2326 
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Reiki TreatmentsReiki Training New MexicoDistance ConsultationsHouse BlessingsFeng Shui

Luminary Health Therapeutics 
Personalized Energy Therapies and Reiki Treatments
By Wendy Bodin BS CKP CPH RMT

            Copy Right 2002-2025  Wendy Bodin
Wendy Bodin, Reiki Master, BS CKP CPH
Luminary Health Therapeutics
Albuquerque, NM 

Distance Consultations with Wendy Bodin, CKP CPH RMT
Luminary HealthAbout WendyKinesiologyHolistic Life CoachingWeight Loss
Reiki TreatmentsReiki Training New MexicoDistance ConsultationsHouse BlessingsFeng Shui

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Copyright 2002-2025 Wendy Bodin