Bless Your Business - No matter how large or small the Business or property. 

Bring in the light and prosperity.  Purify, Protect and create the vision you wish to unfold. Create a sense of cooperation, harmony and focus. Create a positive environment that brings you and your company greater prosperity and happy customers.

Having your place of business blessed is makes good sense for anyone wishing to improve customer service, foster good employee relations, improve cash flow and to be a better part of the community.  

A blessing is a spiritual healing of your work space. It is often done in a ceremonial fashion or informal process that nurtures positive energies within your business and the areas around your business.  By blessing your business, you will also be blessed.

What are the benefits of a Business Blessing?  Our clients report:

  • Things run more smoothly
  • The atmosphere feels clear and clean
  • Employees and co-workers get along better and feel better
  • The company is an enjoyable place to work
  • Customers are friendlier and happier
  • Business increases
  • More customer referrals 
  • Cash flow increases
  • Things improve in personal lives as well

When should a business be blessed?

  • When you first open for business
  • When you remodel
  • When you add a new branch office
  • Whenever there is internal disharmony
  • Whenever there are changes in staffing or downsizing
  • When customer relations are suffering
  • When cash flow is sluggish
  • Anytime things feel "a bit off"
  • If there is a cemetery nearby

A blessing can be performed anytime. It is also recommended after or in conjunction with Feng Shui modifications have been made to ensure continued supportive energy throughout the environment. 

Wendy offers on-site blessings in Albuquerque. She also offers distance blessings to heal energy anywhere in the US.  Distance Blessings are easily arranged to purify the surroundings and within the structure for harmony and prosperity.  To arrange for a Blessing, either in person or from a distance, please contact Wendy to discuss options. 

Wendy can be reached at 505-962-2326 or voice message at 505-503-7276     Email
Wendy Bodin is an Intuitive Spiritual Healer, Ordained Universal Life Minister, Feng Shui Consultant and Reiki Master Teacher. She offers prosperity and harmony blessing services and Feng Shui consultations in  Albuquerque, NM. She has over 29 years experience in Holistic Health and Spiritual Healing. She has a BS in Business Administration. 

Distance Blessings can be  sent to your business anywhere in the world to clear discordant energies and bring harmonious healing energies to attract the right customers and bring prosperity.  Discordant energies internally or externally will clear to foster better relationships within.

Please contact Wendy to discuss your current situation.

505-962-2326  [email protected] 

Email Questions
Luminary HealthAbout WendyKinesiologyHolistic Life CoachingWeight Loss
Reiki TreatmentsReiki Training New MexicoDistance ConsultationsHouse BlessingsFeng Shui

"The subtlest of subleties, this is the gateway to all mysteries"
Lao-tzu, Tao-te Ching
Wendy Bodin BS CKP CPH RMT
Luminary Feng Shui Consultant
Spiritual Healer
Holistic Life Coach
Certififed Herbalist
Certified Kinesiologist
Reiki Master Teacher
Luminary Health Business Blessing Services 
Creating Harmony and Prosperity

by Wendy Bodin, BS CKP CPH RMT 
 Albuquerque, NM
HomeLuminary Feng Shui  Albuquerque House Blessing ServicesBusiness Blessing ServicesDistance Energy Healing

Wendy offers both local business blessings at your place of business  or Distance Blessing consultations to anywhere or anyone in North America or the World. 
Local In Person Business Blessing Consultation 

One Hour $153.00 plus NM tax

Additional time if needed will be added separately

Contact Wendy
to discuss your goals

Distance Blessing Business - One Hour $126.00
Distance Business or Home Blessing
Evaluation plus 
1/2 hour blessing service with summary 
(total one hour)
Business situations vary,
more than one hour 
may be needed

Distance Business Blessing Consultation

One Hour $126.00
“Heaven, Earth, 
and I 
are living 
and all things 
and I 
form an 
inseparable unity.”
--Chuang Tzu
All Material Copyright 2002-2025 Wendy Bodin 
All Material Copyright 2002-2025 Wendy Bodin